We are pleased to feature Vixony Vixamar, working with DirectShifts as a registered nurse with 10 years of experience in healthcare industry under his belt. We asked him to share some of his achievements, experiences, and challenges faced as a nurse with our readers. This will be a source of learning and great career advice for all the new and aspiring nurses and healthcare professionals in 2022.
I enjoy working in healthcare. It gives you a great opportunity in others' lives because you will be able to make a difference in their lives. It is not just a career it's a calling. Those who work in healthcare often feel called to help others in need. That is the basis of my nursing career.
Tips for a successful nursing career by Vixony:
I am so thankful for the experience. To be honest, I had never heard of DirectShifts before, and this has led me to some thoughts before accepting the offer. Now I have no regrets, and if I had to choose again, it would be DirectShifts. I love the team, they are spoiling me.
The best career advice for nurses throughout their career will be to Always treat your patients just the way you would like to be treated. Because the same way you treat people is the same way they will treat you back.