It's great to make a resolution for yourself. The end result is that, when you succeed, the people you share it with will rejoice with you! DirectShifts hosted an online on-demand event, "New Year, New Resolutions where our clinician partners came together to participate and discussed their New Year's resolutions and goals with us. DirectShifts wishes that all health professionals have the support and respect they deserve in the new year and beyond. No words are enough to express our gratitude for your tremendous work every day of the year.
Active discussions about personal and professional development goals, as well as a new work-life balance.
Addressing how essential developing new skills is in these changing times.
A quiz to help us get to know our clinicians better and learn more about them.
Tips for developing new resumes, career development, and personal growth.
We interviewed a few of our clinician partners and asked them about their personal and professional goals and plans for the new year. Things they want to change, their aspirations, their hopes, fears, and dreams. The first discussion that we had was with Victoria Masilang, working with DirectShifts as a Registered Nurse with 6 years of experience in the healthcare industry. A highly enthusiastic nurse with a contagious and positive work ethic, Victoria has exceptional skills in assessing, screening, and carrying out prescribed treatment of patients to support the long-term mission of healthcare organizations. Read to know her resolutions and plans for 2023 and the ways to maintain them being a healthcare professional:
So, I was actually thinking about this before some of the goals I really wanted to be more present and in the moment. I feel like I put myself on such a tight schedule with everything that I don't like. The day passes me by. I don't really get to enjoy it. And being a first-time mother. You know, I have these moments. Return to a different place.
So that is my number one goal this year.
I think it's just that life gets in the way. Like me, you prioritize things that you believe are important, but in retrospect, they aren't because, as healthcare professionals, we all have things going on in our lives. It's not just us. So, you know, we all have to be cognizant of that, and I think the best approach would be to take it one day at a time, like meal preparation.
I believe that the state that America is in, and, you know, everyone just has so many illnesses, like comorbidities, and multiple diseases going on at the same time, is the cause of this. It's hard for us as healthcare workers to treat you when we have to rule you out for so many other things, and that's especially true for patients who genuinely want to get better, and sometimes we can't give you the explanations you're looking for. You know, I'm an advocate for schools. I love school. I love learning that, you know, college is just power.
But if you're not able to get back to school, if you're not able to do that, then I think just doing your research on what is the latest trend in healthcare what diseases are more prevalent now than ever? Now they're saying they're trying to be endemic and things like that. It's just good at this point in time to be informed and fair in order to avoid situations that may cause stress in the future.
Click here to watch the full conversation: