Job orientation is the process of welcoming new employees to the organization. It's important because it's a chance for the employer to introduce themselves and explain the company culture. A well-done job orientation can include a tour of the facilities and introduction to some of the more important employees. This way, potential candidates understand what they're getting into before they start working there.
The job orientation process is a series of meetings that take place in the first few weeks after you've been hired. During these meetings, you'll learn about the company's mission and values, as well as review benefits with your human resources representative. You'll also complete paperwork and attend role-specific employee training sessions.
Job orientation is a critical part of the hiring process. If your organization wants to reduce turnover, ensure productivity and improve collaboration, it starts with effective orientation of your new team members. Check out the 5 tips that will help you create the best employee orientation experience possible.
When workers know exactly what is expected of them and are given the resources they need to succeed, they feel better equipped to do their jobs and when employees feel empowered, they are happier. Here are few reasons why job orientation is beneficial for employers:
Job orientation is a process that helps employees understand the scope of their responsibilities, the company's goals, and the importance of their role in achieving those goals. Here are the benefits for them:
To be effective, job orientation needs to set new hires up for success. But how do you create a program that both teaches and shows them how to be successful? By using a variety of tools and techniques, including videos, webinars, and introductory projects to give them a taste of things to come. More important than that, though, the best programs make use of data to adapt over time. Use the feedback you gather from new hires to tweak your orientation program so that it can continue setting your hires up for success in the long-term.